
SDBII Grant Info Session

Questions marked with a * are required
Thank you for your interest in attending the SDBII Grant Information Session! The session will be held Tuesday, September 7th from noon-1pm. You can access a recorded version of this presentation here: 
https://youtu.be/pqlMe8TKT_k. We will take time to introduce and explain the Southeast Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives program. We will also answer the most frequently asked questions about the grant sub-award application. Please come with questions of your own for us to answer as well. Submit registration no later than September 6th at midnight. We look forward to having you join us! 
Please write in your name
Please enter your preferred email address. The Zoom link will be sent via email
Please write in your gender (if you do not wish to say you can leave this question blank). 
Are you Hispanic or Latino? 
What is your race? (choose all that apply)
Which state do you live in?
Will anyone be attending with you? If so, how many?
Please use the space below to share any questions you have about the grant
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